Women get out of depression
Women sometimes complain of stomach aches, sometimes of not being able to sleep, and sometimes of just wanting to be in a room alone.
At present, most women complain of stomach ache, sleeplessness, and wish to stay in a room alone. But the fact is that nowadays anxiety and depression are increasing in women, which has an effect on their physical organs, they suffer from stomach, head and back pain along with asthma etc.
Since we are a part of a society where anxiety and depression are not considered as illnesses, it is important to first of all, instead of making your husband or in-laws realize that you are suffering from anxiety or depression. Suffering from depression You should understand that anxiety and depression should be treated as a disease and its treatment is as important as a cough, cold, fever or any other disease.
Anxiety and depression, if not treated in time, can lead the patient to take extreme steps, which is definitely not the right behavior. So, first of all, see a good psychiatrist, so that he or she can get what you need. Guide you accordingly, to teach you how to fight, forgive and overcome all the factors that are causing you anxiety or depression.